July 1, 2022

6 Weird Facts About Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Creator of Sherlock Holmes


While we are all familiar with the tale of Sherlock Holmes, what do we know about the author Arthur Conan Doyle? Of course, we love what he did with the character, but are there any mysteries of Sir Doyle? Let’s take a look at 6 weird facts about him:

Classy Even in Death

He apparently collapsed in his garden with a flower in his hand after suffering a heart attack. His last words to his wife were, “You are wonderful.” What a way to go out with style and grace, right? 

Spirit Speaker

He was such a strong spirit believer that he claimed he talked to them. Not only that, he went to write a few books and articles on the topic.

Frenemies With Harry Houdini

They became fast friends after meeting in 1920, but a failed seance caused some turmoil between them. 

Popularized Skiing

He took up skiing while living in Switzerland, which was still a relatively unknown sport. However, his feature article in Strand Magazine led to many people in England drawing to the sport like bees on honey. 

Believed in Fairies

Doyle started believing fairies so much that he spent millions of dollars circulating proof that they did indeed exist. However, his book The Coming of the Fairies didn’t feature legitimate photos, but rather cutouts of pictures taken of young girls.

Medical Doctor Status 

Before his illustrious writing career, Sir Doyle actually graduated with a medical degree from the University of Edinburgh. He opened a practice in London, but business was slow. Good thing he had a good fall back plan in writing fiction. 
