July 9, 2022

4 Strange Mysteries Solved


Mysteries always have some type of spooky or eccentric element (which makes things interesting) to them. There are just some mysteries that stick out like a sore thumb. Here are some strange mysteries:

The Bloop

Such a funny name for an interesting thing, right? “The Bloop” is actually a very powerful underwater sound detected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in 1997. What they discovered in 2012 is that this was the sound matched to an ice quake, which actually turned out to be the crash of distinegrated icebergs .

The Blood Rain of Kerala

Man, this sounds like something that comes straight out of a horror or natural disaster movie. For two months in the summer of 2001, Kerala, India had red-colored rain falling down. This phenomena actually started happening in 1818. What was originally accepted as an alien spore, it was found that it was green algae much later that turned colored. 

Mayans Disappearance

Many theories were argued for their disappearance, such as a conquest by outside people and even UFOs. However, 2012 found that the reason they disappeared was because of lack of food. They cut down a lot of trees, which made the land less susceptible to absorbing solar radiation properly. 

Missing Man Found on Google Maps

The 72-year-old David Lee Niles disappeared after leaving a bar in Michigan in 2006. He was dealing with both depression and cancer, so the family assumed he may have taken his own life. However, a maintenance worker was found putting up Christmas lights. They found his wallet and confirmed it was Niles. The interesting thing is his vehicle could be spotted on Google Maps. 
